After six plus months in our new home I have finally unpacked our books! It's great seeing old friends that we never had room to unpack in our rented house. I now have National Geographics collected from late 1983 to today. Now that they are all together the volumes take up a whole book shelf. I even went for the leather slip covers. I am only missing a few issues over all those years.
My dilemma is: should I keep up my subscription? I still enjoy getting the magazine each month. The photography is still fantastic. I find that I don't have enough time to read as many of the articles as I used to. Also, I am getting a little annoyed that each issue is mostly about global warming. Not all the problems in the world can or should be blamed on global warming. Maybe there are other problems more immediate to deal with. I hope the editors of National Geographic try to branch out a bit in the future. I am paid up for the rest of 2009. We will see about 2010.